Hampden Hawker: Hawker Explains Herself

Hampden Hawker

THE Hampden Gossip Blog

Hopefully Factual, Fueled by Speculation

Email the tip line: hampdenhawker@gmail.com

Monday, February 11, 2008

Hawker Explains Herself

Ok, Hampdenites. Hawker, believe it or not, does more than just blog. Her day job requires this thing every so often, where she gets locked in dark rooms for 12-14 hours a day for a full week. Last week was one of those weeks. Today, Hawker emerges. (I know, I know, you're saying: Why doesn't Hawker TELL us that she's going to be away for a while? Well, it's like this: the stress of those special weeks is such that if it's not on fire, I can't deal with it--and I mean it's got to be ON FIRE and threatening lives, not just smoldering or shooting up a flame or two.)

So what's up, Hampden?

I've been hearing the following:

1. A pasta bar is coming to Hampden! It will be in the old Maria's space on The Avenue, and with lots of painting and sprucing up of the space, it looks as if it will open soon. (Pasta bar makes Hawker think of things like spaghettitinis and penneritas, but I don't think that's the idea.)

2. El Rancho Grande is now OFFICIALLY open.

3. The smoking ban has taken full effect, and though reviews are mixed. Most Hampdenites & bar hoppers Hawker knows are happy--though the special late-night odors at Frazier's are no longer masked by the smell of cigarette smoke.

4. There have been some reports of muggings at gunpoint in Hampden--one even near the busy Falls Road & 36th intersection.

5. Businesses on The Avenue have been experiencing a rash of break-ins in the past few weeks--FOUR that Hawker knows of.

6. Common Ground raised its coffee prices.

7. One The Wellness Spa opened in the Bikram Yoga space. (Hawker attended the opening party, so a full report is coming.)

8. Lovelyarns wants to teach you how to knit!

9. Tomorrow is voting day!

10. Hawker's back.


At 3:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you'd been around you could have let us know about Hillary Clinton at the Cafe Hon and Barack Obama at the Hampden Family Center today.

That's right, 2 Democratic Presidential Candidates right here in Hampden, at differing times, of course.

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

does hawker have any information on the rumor that hell's angels bought redman's hall?

At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoa, can you tell us more about these muggings or the source?

At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you on number 3. Somebody crop-dusted me while I was sitting at a table at Frazier's last night. Total hit and run.


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