Hampden Hawker: How safe is Hampden?

Hampden Hawker

THE Hampden Gossip Blog

Hopefully Factual, Fueled by Speculation

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

How safe is Hampden?

Last Reporter apparently puts together bi-weekly crime statistics for Baltimore's "gentrified' neighborhoods. Here's his bio: "I am a working journalist, who in my spare time writes unfiltered thoughts that some might find interesting. My goal is simply to share what I perceive to be the truth in a country filled with self-serving shills, knaves and political prostitutes spouting a thousand different threads of contemptuous, damnable lies and propaganda. I've named this blog, "Last Reporter" because sometimes when I awaken in the dark of night, I feel as though I am the last of a dying breed."

Well, I like LR already. He put knaves, shills and prostitutes in the same sentence.

Here's LR's Hampden crime stats from June 27 to July 7:

10 reports of items being stolen from vehicles
6 stolen vehicles
2 burglaries
3 aggravated assaults
2 robberies

Oh, and for 2007, Hampden has contributed one murder to the city's astronomical death toll.

I'll bring you LR's Hampden highlights as they arise.


At 12:35 PM, Blogger Benn said...

The Last Reporter quotes Eric Sevareid in his header, but then you look down to the links he recommends and you see WBAL AM and WCBM.

Mr. Last Reporter (nice moniker, as if) claims to seek "the truth in a country filled with self-serving shills, knaves and political prostitutes spouting a thousand different threads of contemptuous, damnable lies and propaganda.".

Hm. Okay...

The Last Reporter recommends
WCBM, which has shows like:
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Michael Savage
Tom Marr

WBAL: where you can find shows like The Ehrlichs (as in ex-Repub Gov Bobby Ehrlich). But the entire lineup is little more than a mouthpiece for the Maryland Republican Party.

This is where The Last Reporter recommends we go to seek truth.

And these stations run shows that are the very picture of "self-serving shills, knaves and political prostitutes spouting a thousand different threads of contemptuous, damnable lies and propaganda."


And I especially like the way he wields the word "gentrification" like a weapon and provides unshocking crime stats in a fearmongering manner.

Hampden? In a neighborhood of 3,500 residents that by its own admission has drug and prostitution problems, has had a burglary a week, a robbery a week and 1.5 aggravated assaults a week (and as you point out, 1 murder in 7 months)- that's um, well, pretty underwhelming. Wow - it's amazing this isn't front page on The Baltimore Sun!!! Must be pro-gentrification, elitist, liberal media bias.

Can't you smell agenda and bias all over this poor, martyr-complexed, self-described "Last Reporter."

He can't even provide a link or citation of a report for his methodology for where he's getting these stats, just "Baltimore City." Where is the city providing these stats so we can verify your data?


You can do better, Hampden Hawker.

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those numbers don't mach the numbers from the Baltimore City Police online database (for the same period). That site reports:

6 Larcenies
3 Aggravated Assault
1 Burglary (residence)
3 Stolen Auto
2 Robberies

Which makes me wonder about both sources of data.


At 12:20 PM, Blogger Plantastic said...

Hampden Hawker felt that Last Reporter's blog would speak for itself, and irony is a hard thing to communicate via a blog post. I'll be more careful in the future and will post a full explanation tomorrow.

At 12:58 AM, Blogger Benn said...

Oh, well if you were being ironic, never mind.


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